
“Not Religiosity, Righteousness”

Christianity is much more than a religion; it is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Followers of Jesus seek to live for Jesus in response to His love and provision for them. God makes forgiveness available, offering the gift of eternal to all who choose to believe in Jesus. It is not how good a person is, it is how good God is in providing the gift of salvation available through faith.
Faith brings an internal change that reveals itself in external actions. Not being self-righteous but resting in the Savior’s righteousness as we seek to honor Him with our lives.
This Sunday, we direct our attention to Romans 2:17-29, discovering that there is no room for personal pride, but resting in God’s provision.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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A Message Worth Hearing

Considered by many to be the primary thrust of the Book of Romans, Romans 1:16-17 shares incredible insights on how God provided for humankind.
God’s power was on display when He provided salvation from sin and home in eternity with Him to all who believe and then how the righteousness of God was revealed, being made known to all.
What God reveals is GOOD NEWS. We can all use more good news as we are bombarded by what is bad. Join us this Sunday as we discover Good News that is worth hearing and worth sharing. News that continues to change the world.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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“Encouraging One Another”

We all can use a little encouragement from time-to-time. We love to hear from someone who is near and dear to us, because simply hearing from them is encouraging.
When the Apostle Paul wrote to fellow believers in Rome, it was an encouragement to hear from him. While Paul encouraged them, he too needed to be encouraged.
In Romans 1:8-15, the Apostle Paul identifies several ways by which we as followers of Jesus can be encouraged. As we read from the biblical text, we discover how to encourage others and to be encouraged ourselves.
Join us this coming Sunday. We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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“Our Identify & Calling in Christ” Romans 1:1-7

Our identity matters. So much so that people carry several forms of ID to better identify who they are and what belongs to them. We can carry various forms of ID: a driver’s license, insurance card, credit card, or a whole host of other ID’s.
So important is our identification that others seek to steal our identity, but their goal is to use it to take advantage. We must be diligent to keep our information secure.
Our identity in Jesus also matters. When we place our faith in Jesus, we become part of the family of faith, brothers and sisters in Christ. Our identity and worth are found in Him.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look into Romans 1:1-7, discovering our identity and our calling in Christ.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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