
Gaining Victory in Our Faith

As followers of Jesus, we face constant challenges to our faith. We find ourselves in a battle to fully follow the teaching of the Scriptures.
When you are in a battle, strategy plays a significant role. Things need to be done in the right order for victory to ensue.
You don’t want the infantry charging the same time you shower the enemy with arrows. Your troops will be caught in the crossfire. You don’t build a siege ramp if you have already conquered the city.
In James 4:7, the Scripture lays out the order for finding victory in our faith. When we follow that order, we stand strong in our faith.
Join us this coming Sunday as we dive into Scripture to discover how to find victory in our faith. We worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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When the World is our Friend

Our friends define us. The people with whom we associate tell volumes about us.
It’s been said that birds of the same feather flock together.
How do your friends impact your actions and reactions? Do they improve you as a person or do they challenge your values to the point that you are that they subtract from who you are?
James 4:4-6 addresses the question of our friends, cautioning us of being friends with the world and living in opposition to God. Join us this coming Sunday as we seek to find balance in our lives in our pursuit of the ways of Jesus.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Peace in Place of Conflict

What causes fights and quarrels among us? Are we more part of the problem, or are we more a part of the solution?
In James 4:1-3, we discover the primary source for the conflicts we have with our mate, with our children, with our family, with our work, in our church, and in the world.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at what James 4:1-3 teaches on why we fight and why we quarrel and are at war with others.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Marks of Heavenly Wisdom

Wisdom . . . we all seek after it, but we don’t always find it. We aren’t sure if what we hear is indeed “wisdom.”
The Bible gives some descriptions of what biblical wisdom looks like, giving nine descriptors for us to use to determine that something is indeed wise.
The overarching description for something that is wise is the word, “pure.” Is the information fault-finding; is it questionable; is it impartial; etc.?
Join us this coming Sunday, July 30, as we discover how the Bible describes true wisdom.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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What is Wisdom

Wisdom is revealed more by what we do versus what we say. Scripture challenges us to “show” others wisdom in way that we act towards others.
A further challenge is to avoid envy and selfish ambition that blinds us to our actions and to our thoughts that drive our actions.
Friends, as long as we are living and breathing, we have to continue to grow in wisdom. While we fail at times, we find forgiveness and renewal in Jesus and in His Holy Spirit.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at what James 3:13-16 has to say about wisdom as we seek to answer the question, “What is Wisdom?”
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Corralling the Tongue

The tongue quickly gets out of control. A garbled comment; an ill-meaning statement; an unfiltered response in anger.
Deadly poison can spew from our lips. Instead of building others up, we destroy them with our words.
Our tongues need corralling, controlled by our minds and hearts as we seek to direct our comments, so they bring healing and hope.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at what James 3:9-12 has to say about the tongue and its inconsistencies. A question is raised, how can we praise God with the same lips that direct darts of disdain toward those created in God’s image.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Legacy of Faith

What will be your legacy? How will you be remembered?
Will you have a positive impact on the next generation, or will your impact be less than positive?
As followers of Jesus, it is our desire to leave a legacy of faith. The way to leave that legacy is to live your faith in such a way that others are affected by your positive witness.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at the example of Abraham as described in James 2:20-24, seeing his example and what it teaches us.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Faith and Works

What do demons believe about Jesus?
The Bible describes what the demons believe about Jesus in several biblical texts of Scripture. They do “believe” in Jesus, but that belief is one that is a mental acknowledge of Who Jesus is versus a saving faith in Jesus.
What does the Bible teach about faith, about belief, and about works?
Join us this coming Sunday as we discover some deep insights from James 2:18-19. Hope you can join us!
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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The Royal Law

God’s stated will for our relationships with others is found in His recorded Word, the Bible.
God’s royal law as mentioned in James 2:8 centers around loving others as we love ourselves. The command is addressed throughout the Old and New Testaments.
Just as we go to great sacrifice to meet our own needs, we are to go to great sacrifice to help others. It is a demonstration of God’s love reflected in our response to others.
We’d like to invite you to join us this coming Sunday as we discover what the royal law teaches us in the application of our faith in Jesus.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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A Believer’s Book Value

Book values are provided for various products for purchase. Some examples include cars, guitars, and dolls.
Value is determined in part by what a person is willing to pay.
The Bible establishes the incredible value of each person. It tells us that all have value because they have been created in God’s image and all have value, because God gave His one and only Son to die for others so that they could receive God’s forgiveness for their failures and could be offered a hope that extends into eternity.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at James 2:5-7 as we see what the Bible has to say about each person’s value.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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