
Jesus is Coming: Be Blameless

When you run out of gas, your car can come to a sudden halt. Rarely is it convenient when you simply run out of gas. You have somewhere to be and something to do.
As followers of Jesus, we too can run out of gas. We run low on energy and can feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life. Yet, Jesus gives us all we need if we simply call upon Him for help. He and the Holy Spirit join forces in strengthening us in our walk of faith, bringing honor and glory to God.
Join us this coming Sunday as we dig into 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24, discovering how we can live a life that is blameless before God as we await the second coming of Jesus.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Jesus is Coming: Be Holy

Do you want to know what the future holds? When it comes to knowing the future, faith is intimately involved. We must be able to trust the source that predicts the future, and that act of trust is faith.
The Bible has much to say about future events. It is a primary focus of the Scriptures. God not only wants His followers to know what is coming, but He also desires that His followers know to live in light of what is coming.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at 2 Peter 3:11-16, discovering how we are to live in light of what the future holds. God is not silent. God’s Son, Jesus, is coming again at a moment no one knows. Our task is to live accordingly.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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A Way is Prepared

When Jesus entered into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday, His way was prepared for Him. It was prepared by His disciples, by Old Testament prophets, by the people in Jerusalem, and even by Jesus Himself.
Prophesies of the day harken back to the time of Moses around 1,500 B.C., the time of David, around 1,000 B.C., and the time of Zechariah, around 400 B.C.
While all the players prepared the way for Jesus, the actions of that day and the following week enabled Jesus to prepare the way for all humankind to find hope, forgiveness, and an eternity with Jesus.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look at Matthew 21 verses 1-11 along with other Scriptures, as we discover how significant were the events of that day both for the past but also for the future.
We meet for worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Humbly Serve

Jesus challenged His followers to serve others not from a position of pride or even personal power, but from a position of humility.
Jesus set the example when He came as the God-man, choosing to take on the form of man, humbling Himself even to the point of death of His life so that He could provide for others.
Join us this coming Sunday as we center our focus upon serving others. For onsite service, we will hear from a ministry we support, named Omaha Street School where they seek to minister to students in need of an education in a safe and supportive environment. Online, we will direct our attention to the teaching of Jesus as He challenges His followers to humbly serve others.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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The Arrival of Jesus

Do you enjoy waiting? Most people don’t.
Yet, there are two dramatic differences in the ways to wait; one creates the question if the wait is even worth it, and the other creates a sense of deep anticipation for that for which one is waiting.
From the beginning of time, people awaited the Promised Messiah. While they did not always enjoy the wait, they still anticipated what it would be like once Jesus officially arrived. It made the wait well worth the while.
This coming Sunday, we will direct attention to Galatians 4:4-5, discovering that when Jesus arrived the first it wasn’t too early, and it wasn’t too late. So too will be His second coming. He will arrive just in time. Join with us as we see reveal why it’s worth the wait.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Living in Freedom

What does it mean to be free? Are there limits to freedom?
What does it mean to be free in Jesus Christ? What are the benefits and the limits of that freedom?
Join with us this coming Sunday as we dive into the Scriptures, seeking insight into all the promises of God. We discover some of the great riches of our faith. Hope you can join us.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Putting on Christ

Dress rehearsals help us better prepare for a public event. The rehearsals make us aware of potential issues and pitfalls in the upcoming presentation. Practice does make perfect.
When it comes to the Christian faith, we too need to practice our faith. The goal is to become more and more reflective of the presence of Jesus in our life.
When we put on Christ, His grace covers us, and His presence empowers us to live effectively for Jesus.
Join with us this coming Sunday as we discover the full effect of putting on Christ and what it means for us as we study Galatians 3:23-29. Hope you can join us.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Turning to God

Have you called out to God lately, sharing your trials and your triumphs with Him?
We can be quick to share what’s going wrong, but God also wants to hear what’s going right. He wants to hear from His children. As a follower of Jesus, you are one of His children, and He wants to hear from you!
Share your deepest concerns, your cares, and your joys with Him because He cares for you!
This coming Sunday we will look at James 5:13-16 as we discover that God wants to hear about our suffering, about our sufficiency, and about our sickness.
Join us this coming Sunday as we discover how the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick. What exactly is this promise and when does it come true every time?
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Perseverance: the Latin foundation of the term defines it all. Per (through) plus severus (severe) equals “through the severe.”
When we go through challenges of various sorts in life and make it to the other side, we have persevered, having gone “through the severe.”
In James 5:10-11, the Scriptures point to the prophets and then to one person in specific who demonstrated perseverance. Both examples are there to encourage us to stand strong in our faith when the winds of adversity come our way.
Join us this coming Sunday as we learn from those examples that we can endure because of God’s compassion and care us along with His mercy. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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The Lure of Wealth

Get rich quick schemes have existed from ages past. Whatever is viewed as wealth is wanted. Some want it so badly, they will go to great lengths, even if it means destroying someone else in the process.
Most believe that riches assure us of happiness. But the constant pursuit of more leaves us forever lacking and wanting more.
The Bible has much to say about money. One such text is found in James 5:1-6 where it warns how riches rot and how a desire for more riches can lead us to rob from others.
Join us for worship this coming Sunday as we dive into the teaching from James 5:1-6. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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