Past Sermons

God’s Greater Work – Prayer

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective, but what makes it so powerful?
Is it because the person is so perfect, or is it because God is so perfect? A person who is right before God is not perfect by any means. Instead, God honor’s the person who willingly admits their errors, seeks forgiveness for the sins and God forgives them, and uses them for His glory.
Join us this Sunday as we see an example from Scripture of what a powerful and effective prayer looks like as we also discover what a makes a person right before God.
Join us this coming Sunday as we delve into James 5:17-18, discovering what God has to say to us. Hope you can join us!
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Turning to God

Have you called out to God lately, sharing your trials and your triumphs with Him?
We can be quick to share what’s going wrong, but God also wants to hear what’s going right. He wants to hear from His children. As a follower of Jesus, you are one of His children, and He wants to hear from you!
Share your deepest concerns, your cares, and your joys with Him because He cares for you!
This coming Sunday we will look at James 5:13-16 as we discover that God wants to hear about our suffering, about our sufficiency, and about our sickness.
Join us this coming Sunday as we discover how the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick. What exactly is this promise and when does it come true every time?
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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A Person of Your Word, James 5:12

Are you a person of your word? Do you keep your promises? Can others trust what you say to be true?
When you commit to a task, do you do your best to finish that task and finish well?
In James 5:12, the Scriptures challenge believers to be people of their word, letting their “‘yes’ be yes and their ‘no’ be no.”
When we keep our word, God’s character is reflected through us. Just as God keeps His Word, so too are we to keep ours.
Join us this coming Sunday as we learn from those examples that we can endure because of God’s compassion and care us along with His mercy. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Perseverance: the Latin foundation of the term defines it all. Per (through) plus severus (severe) equals “through the severe.”
When we go through challenges of various sorts in life and make it to the other side, we have persevered, having gone “through the severe.”
In James 5:10-11, the Scriptures point to the prophets and then to one person in specific who demonstrated perseverance. Both examples are there to encourage us to stand strong in our faith when the winds of adversity come our way.
Join us this coming Sunday as we learn from those examples that we can endure because of God’s compassion and care us along with His mercy. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Be Patient

Does patience naturally come easy for you?
If it does, you can consider yourself among a minority. Most of us, myself included, rush here and there and then when waiting is demanded, minutes feel like an eternity.
It’s hard to be patient; but even more so when we see someone being mistreated. We want to step in when it is not our job to do so. If we ask God to intervene, we quickly grow impatient, believing He is taking too long.
This coming Sunday, we will look at James 5:7-9 where God challenges His followers to be patient, waiting for God to act versus robbing Him of His rightful place. We would love it if you would join us for worship. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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The Lure of Wealth

Get rich quick schemes have existed from ages past. Whatever is viewed as wealth is wanted. Some want it so badly, they will go to great lengths, even if it means destroying someone else in the process.
Most believe that riches assure us of happiness. But the constant pursuit of more leaves us forever lacking and wanting more.
The Bible has much to say about money. One such text is found in James 5:1-6 where it warns how riches rot and how a desire for more riches can lead us to rob from others.
Join us for worship this coming Sunday as we dive into the teaching from James 5:1-6. We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Planning for Tomorrow

James 4:13-17 Are you a planner? Do you find more enjoyment in planning a trip than even taking a trip? Do you love to put together a 5 or 10-year plan? Scripture is not opposed to making plans, but it does address the dangers of making plans for the future while failing to bring God … Read more

Watch Where You Point!

Pointing is a very powerful action. When we point at something or someone, others look to see where we are pointing.
Pointing is very distracting and very misleading. When we point one finger at someone else, there are three remaining fingers that point to us.
We can use pointing in an accusing manner, often misjudging the actions of others. The Bible challenges us to treat others as we would like to be treated.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look to James 4:11-12, discovering how to treat others in a way that honors them and us.
We worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Inspire Biblically, 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Acts 20:32

We all need encouragement from time-to-time. We need someone to encourage us on in life and in our spiritual growth.
We can be inspired to follow Jesus more fully when we spend time with fellow believers who themselves are seeking to follow God as well. The inspired Word of God inspires us to live for Him.
Join us this coming Sunday to be encouraged in your walk of faith. The online service will feature a study of one of our core values, which is to Inspire-Biblically. Our onsight service will feature the ministry of Omaha Bridges Out of Poverty. Hope you join us and grow with us.
We meet at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Finding Honor Before God

God honors the humble. James 4:10 instructs us, saying, “Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you.” He will lift you up. The way up the ladder is down.
“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). We need God’s grace that gives us the opposite of what we deserve. We need God’s forgiveness and healing for the many times we fail.
Join us this coming Sunday as we look into Scripture to help discover how to live in such a way that God honors us.
We worship at 9:30 am. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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