Past Sermons

Dealing with Resentment

Having taken root, bitterness leads to resentment which grows and grows until it eventually consumes us. When we allow resentment to grow, it blinds us to who we are and blinds us to the potential consequences of our actions.
Join us this coming Sunday at 9:30 am as we look to the book of Numbers, Chapter 12, as we will discover insights on how to address resentment before it is full grown, bringing a harvest of pain and heartache. Learn more

Preparing for Battle

The Bible encourages believers to be ready, to be prepared. In Ephesians 6:10-24, the command is given to put on the full armor of God and then to take up that armor. What good is armor if we do use it to protect ourselves? Learn more

A Letter to Husbands

n Ephesians 5:25-33, we find directive for husbands. The wives were addressed last week as we looked to 5:22-24. Too often we read what God has said to others as we ignore what is meant for us. When we all do what God has stated, we get along better, and we reap God’s joy in our lives. Learn more

A Letter to Wives

Join us as we look at Ephesians 5:22-24, reading God’s letter to wives. Too often we read what God has said to others as we ignore what is meant for us. When we all do what God has stated, we get along better, and we reap God’s joy in our lives. Learn more

Walking in the Light

The Bible has a lot to say about walking in the light versus walking in darkness.
The light of God’s Truth is to guide our actions, our walk of faith. When we walk in darkness, we place our lives and our eternities in jeopardy.
In Ephesians 5:7-14, we find instruction on walking in light. Learn more

Walking After Christ

In Ephesians 5:1, the Bible says to be “imitators of God, as beloved children.”
Our imitation of our Heavenly Father honors Him. When we imitate Jesus, others are treated fairly and with respect and God receives the glory. Learn more