Recorded Sermons

Walking in Wisdom

Do you struggle, wondering what is the best answer, the best approach, the best way to handle the challenges that come with living life?
The Bible gives an incredible promise in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”
Woah . . . what an awesome promise. We ask and God promises to answer. Who could pass up an opportunity like that.
Do you need wisdom and insight? It all begins by our simple asking God in faith to provide an answer.
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Triumphing Over Trials

How do you introduce yourself? How do others introduce themselves to you?
Often, we introduce ourselves by our occupations, by your background, by relationships for some other appropriate response that seeks to create a connection between you and the person with whom you are speaking.
But what if all you had to give was your first name, and the other person knew who you were and the importance you have simply by a first name.
Such was the way that James, the biblical writer of book of James introduced himself, simply saying, “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Join us as we look at the opening verse to the book of James as we discover the great significance of so few words of introduction.
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A Significant Servant

How do you introduce yourself? How do others introduce themselves to you?
Often, we introduce ourselves by our occupations, by your background, by relationships for some other appropriate response that seeks to create a connection between you and the person with whom you are speaking.
But what if all you had to give was your first name, and the other person knew who you were and the importance you have simply by a first name.
Such was the way that James, the biblical writer of book of James introduced himself, simply saying, “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Join us as we look at the opening verse to the book of James as we discover the great significance of so few words of introduction.
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Discipleship: I will follow You

Not everyone can be a leader. A true leader has followers.
If you believe you are a leader, and you don’t have anyone following you, you might just be out for a walk.
Multitudes followed Jesus while He was living on this earth, and multitudes upon multitudes have followed Him and continue to follow Him.
When He invited people to follow Him, most did, but some refused, fearing the cost was too great.
We invite you to join us this coming Sunday as we look at some seminal teachings from the Bible on the importance of following Jesus. We will seek to explain some challenging passages and then see what it means to follow.
You can join us onsite at 9:30 am. We meet at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you uncomfortable in attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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A Biblical Pyramid

When we hear of a pyramid scheme, we think of something illegal that is focused primarily on the financial gain of those who start the scheme rolling. It is a multiplication approach, relying upon people to recruit others to give money toward the scheme and who then recruit even more.
In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, we find reference to a biblical approach to multiplication in minister where all who participate benefit and reap the rewards of belonging.
We want to invite you to join us as we discover how important a ministry of multiplication is and how it can benefit multitudes of people as we look to insights from 2 Timothy 2:1-7.
Our services start at 9:30 am. For those who are comfortable attending onsite, we meet at 740 N. 129th Street in Omaha, NE, at 9:30 am. For our online community, you can find us on Facebook at SpiritofFaithOmaha or online on YouTube. Join with us and grow with us as look grow in our faith, sharing the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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Discipleship: Counting the Cost

Martin Luther said, “A religion that gives nothing, costs nothing, and suffers nothing, is worth nothing.”
Jesus paid it all, giving His own life for others. We who choose to follow Him must too be willing to sacrifice for the sake of others. But why would we do that?
Join us this coming Sunday as we direct our attention to Mark 8:34-38, discovering some biblical explanations on why a person who is follower of Jesus should be willing to serve others in the name of Jesus.  Learn more

God’s Directive, Discipleship

Before leaving this world for heaven, Jesus gave two directives for His followers. One was to empower them and the next was to encourage them. The two commands are found in Matthew 28:19-20.
Jesus followers are empowered to make disciples and encouraged as they behold the promise of Jesus to be with them always.
Making disciples is not a quick process but knowing that God is with you both in and through the process brings hope in what God is able to do.

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The Great Commission

Throughout the Bible, the extreme significance of the name of Jesus is presented.
Prior to Jesus birth, Joseph was told that “You are to give Him the name Jesus for He will save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21).
As we launch into the New Year, I invite you to join us onsite or online as we recall the incredible significance of Jesus. He is our hope for an abundant life on earth and an eternal life in heaven. Learn more

Joy to the World

“Joy to the World” is one of the more popular Christmas songs. It has a joyful tune and creates a sense of joy for those who sing it and for those who hear it.
Joy to the world is equally appropriate for the celebration of Christ’s birth as it is for the celebration of Easter which marks the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. He overcame sin and death and offers His victory to all who believe in Him.
Is “joy” a central part of your Christmas? When we have joy, it gives us strength to live each day, facing the challenges of that day.
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Characters of Christmas: Elizabeth and Zechariah

God is able to do the seemingly impossible. Despite the fact that both Elizabeth and Zechariah were “advanced in years,” God enabled Elizabeth to give birth. It causes us to marvel at what God can do. Age is no issue. The odds are no issue. Lack of faith even isn’t an issue, and the unheard-of is no issue.
Join us as we look at Luke 1 as we are reminded that God is able to do the miraculous as are evidenced in the lives of two more characters in the original Christmas story. Learn more