
“Bear One Another’s Burderns”

As followers of Jesus, we are called to help fellow believers who struggle under a burden that they cannot support by themselves.
We are called to come alongside and help.
In that process, we are not to look down on the other person nor are we to feel like we have it all together. Instead, we are to be reminded that we all have burdens to bear.
Join us for worship this coming Sunday as we look at Galatian 6:2-5, gaining insight on relationships with others. Join us and grow with us.
We meet for worship at 9:30 m. at 740 N. 129th Street along the West Dodge corridor in Omaha, Nebraska. If you are uncomfortable attending in person, check out our Facebook page, SpiritOfFaithOmaha, or our YouTube channel. Come grow with us as we seek to share the joy of knowing Jesus Christ.
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